How to make ghost out effect effortless in AE


How to make ghost out effect effortless in AE

How to make ghost out effect effortless in AE

Today tutorial i will teach you how to make ghost out effect in After Effect. I use the out of body experience Ghost effect which is a cool effect and not that hard to create and you don't need anything additional to creating this scene so that's what you will be seeing today in Adobe After Effects.

So the first thing that I did is I recorded myself sitting in the chair I did in my speech like I'm looking at the ghost out effect I know the acting skills still have to work on them.

So the next thing that I did was I acted the same scene while I was sitting in kind of the same position and then I would get out of my body and look straight to myself and talk and again do the same kind of speech.

And then I walked out of that shop to grab a clean plate of my shop and we're gonna be using all of these different shots in Adobe After Effects right. Now so let's jump into Adobe After Effects.

And get started so here we are any fresh new After Effects project a folder which will include these three video files while actually one is an image which is actually a clean plate as you can see right here.

The next is the footage of me standing up and acting as a ghost I did put in a small time ramp as you can see in the beginning um that's just speeding up a little bit - in kind of enhanced that Ghost effectiveness but yet you can easily do that yourself with some time remapping in Adobe After Effects.

I just thought I'd save you the trouble of doing that and I'm right here we have the footage of me sitting down and looking at the ghost out effect so what we will be doing is import the first footage here.

So the seeded footage and we're gonna drag this into a new composition so here we have our entire composition of me just sitting then the next thing that.

I want to do is bring in my clean plate on top of that and as you can see we are now covering our previous scene we actually don't need to see our clean plate so I'm going to toggle this off.

How to make ghost out effect effortless in AE

  • Create Ghost Composition
  • Make Mask Path
  • Alpha Matte and Green Screen Setup
  • Effect Keying Setup
  • Make Animate for ghost out effect
  • Warping Effect
  • Effect Distort Displacement
  • Ghost Glow effect

Step 1. Create Ghost Composition

Then next I want to import my footage here for the ghost and bring that on top here so what I will be doing now is well bring this out here and just rename this composition to my main composition so here we will be doing the final effect and what we want to do is key out the ghost effect.

So we can see myself sitting in the chair so what you can do is change the blending mode to screen and then you would see like both of these but of course then the bottom one also doesn't work fine so that's not what we want exactly.

So I will just create well make this back to normal and create a new solid layer and this is going to be our alpha mat this mat will just be like a mask for the layer below it so what we will be doing is just uncheck this.

So we don't need to see this and then right here where I sit I'm just going to drag very roughly around myself like that and then I will go and press M on keyboard to create a stopwatch keyframe by clicking over here.

Step 2. Make Mask Path

Then make a keyframe for the mask path one second forward and then just move all the points in the right direction so we cover up kind of the chair and everything else but it can be very roughly because we are going to be using a different technique to make it even more perfect.

So just quickly do this and double check in between all the keyframes if you don't skip something there we go and then I will also put it like over here and over here it can be pretty rough so that's like goalies and bring them over here and make it a little bit wider so we see my hat perfectly.

And then just kind of check or I get out of FIFO well out of the frame and kind of readjust that over there so I think that should be it for the entirety of the ghost out effect double-check it a few times but I think that will do the job.

So now if we are going to enable our solid layer this is just going to cover our footage but now we want to tell our footage to look at the layer above it.

And see that as a mask so the reason why I didn't put that mask on my footage itself is because that kind of made some artifacts with our ongoing ghost out effect that.

Step 3. Alpha Matte and Green Screen Setup

Now we're going to apply to that layer so that's why I chose this way and this is the best way of doing this and approaching this effect so we're going to click on our ghost layer and you should see the track matte option right here if you don't see that just toggle the switches we're going to change this to an alpha matte.

So now the layer is going to look at the Alpha matte and see. So that's all we should see here and if you're going to solo this you'll see that now we're using that layer as a mask so there we go we already have something like this which looks pretty cool already we can already do some kind of twin action here.

So that's also a nice technique that you can use but now what I want to do is key on the rest of the background so you can definitely see all the rest of the background we don't want to see that because if we're going to change this to screen again we have the same problem.

So you could either do this with a green screen but a green screen takes a lot of effort and some of you might not even have a green screen and yeah a ghost out effect doesn't necessarily have to look super detailed. So what I came to is using the clean plate as a green screen and the way I'm going to be doing this.

We're going to tell to this footage to look at the clean plate and look at the difference in between these shots so I'm actually going to unsolo this we're going to be looking at the differences between the clean plate and this shot right here so basically everything is the same except me in that shot is not the same.

Step 4.  Effect Keying Setup

So now we can actually key myself out that way so what about we doing is going to the ghost out effect  layer and go for effect keying and I'm going to be using a difference math so here we're going to be telling to look at the clean plate and check the differences in our shot so we can uncheck the clean plate we don't need to see that.

And now we already start seeing something but as I'm wearing something Brown and the background is kind of brown as you can see right here it's gonna be a little bit more difficult so we can play with the matching tolerance and just bring this lower until we see something like this.

And then of course you can play with the softening and just play around with everything until you are satisfied and then if you play back the entirety of the shot we still want to kind of get the chair away so something like that also looks cool we don't need to see everything perfect.

And for the beginning of a chair it doesn't really matter that much you could key it out a little bit better on that solid or you can press F and just fetter it a little bit do give it.

Some more Flair like that and there we have me as a ghost out effect and actually I really like the fact that it isn't keyed perfectly because we see a little bit less details in our ghost out effect.

Step 5. Make Animate for ghost out effect

Now so if we're going to bring back our original footage now we have our self standing here in that shot and again you can play around with all these settings and change this to like two or one or maybe what you can do is also animate this and like before I stand up I kind of want to animate this to be like 15.

And then like right over here I want to change this to like 1 and that way you kind of fade in a very cool way as you can see right here which is also a very cool approach so the next thing that you want to do is just change the blending mode of this layer to a screen and there we have it.

So we already have our Ghost it's that simple so well actually I could end the tutorial here but we're going to try and make it look a little bit more fancy so if you're not satisfied you can also duplicate this shot make sure you also duplicate the alpha mat with it.

And then you can change this to like and normal and play with the opacity or play with other blending modes just go creative like you you want I'm not gonna be doing that in this tutorial I'm satisfied with this look. So now we have our ghost out effect here and the next thing that.

We want to do is kind of make it work a little bit to give it a little bit more dimension of another dimension so what I'm gonna be doing for that is click on my Ghost layer and on the alpha matte own layer precompose.

And this is going to be our ghost keyed and actually before I do that I should also include the clean plate so select that as well and go back to layer pre compose it and to ghost out effect heat.

Step 6. Warping Effect

Now I want to create a new solid layer and this is going to be noise so we're gonna be creating noise to react on our ghost out effect and to animate the warping effect so what we'll be doing is go to effect noise engrain and we're going to apply a fractal noise effect.

Which many of you might already know I like to use a lot because it's a very powerful effect so I'm going to change this to a dynamic progressive type and I'm also going to jump into the transform settings and maybe make it a little bit bigger.

And then for the complexity you can change this to like 2 or 3 and then I'm going to hold alt and click on a stopwatch for the evolution here I want to animate the evolution with an expression so I'm going to write something like time times 250 and if we're going to see this we can see that.

Now our noise is animated so we're going to be using this information to work or ghost key defect so again we're going to uncheck the noise ghost out effect because we don't want to see the effect we just wanted to manipulate this layer and to do that.

Step 7. Effect Distort Displacement 

I'm going to be using an effect distort displacement map so we're going for the displacement map and for the displacement map we want to look at the noise but it's not gonna do anything until we go over here and also look at the effects and masks.

So now you can already see a little bit of a difference but the bigger difference is gonna come in while when you change the horizontal displacement and the vertical displacement to something like 25 and if we're going to preview this.

And set this to a lower quality so we can preview a little bit quicker you can already see some warping and if you want to change the warping to be a little bit more subtle or a little bit bigger you can just go and play with the horizontal displacement.

And if vertical you can go as crazy as you want and then you have something like this which doesn't really look that good but yeah you can do a lot of fun things I'm going to change this back to 25.

You can also go into the noise and play like with with the scale here make it a little bit more subtle like that so that's also pretty cool actually so let's keep that for now and there.

Step 8.  Ghost Glow effect

So that's it for the ghosts effect but to make the ghosts glow but i will be using one of our preset. If you click on your ghost effect is go to effect channel and add a solid composite first and then make this black click OK and then we want to go to the effects and presets.

And search for that preset perfect glow we're going to apply that right here you can also use a normal glow but the perfect glow just works so much better and if you don't see some differences here at what you should do is go to the project manager and make sure that you change it to a 32 bits per channel.

And then we want to go back to the effect and lower as something like the threshold to like 15 or even 5 let's say 10 and increase the intensity to your preference is something like that an increase also the radius and play with all the settings until you are satisfied.

But as you can see the glow really makes a very big difference if we're going to kind of disable this so you can really see what's going on here it's a huge difference and I really think it looks so much better with the glow so here I see myself in the entirety.

I'm actually going to lower the intensity just a bit to something like point two three so a little bit of difference and there we go so now we have some glow on our ghost and that's basically it.

We're going to be previewing this we have something like that which is actually super cool so you can also cut like right over here where we would actually see the ghost boom cool so that's it for this video.

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