How to make Frame Canva Transition unlimited in AE


How to make Frame Canva Transition unlimited in AE

How to make Frame Canva Transition unlimited in AE
Today i will be showing you how to create frame canva transition. Let's get started so I hope you enjoyed that effect we will be creating this effect in Adobe After Effects together with mocha AE which is an integrated tracking tool in Adobe After Effects. I will be explaining you everything let's jump into the After Effects and get started.

So here we are in Adobe After Effects as you can see I have my footage prepared right here. I'm going to select these two files and bring them right here to create a new composition make sure that you have selected single composition and also check on sequence layers then click OK that's going to bring our two layers right here.

I did have an error in the beginning I'm not sure why so I'm just going to trim it where I see myself like right here press B then right click here and trim to come to work area bring the second layer on the top because we're going to overlap this just a little bit.
How to make Frame Canva Transition unlimited in AE

  • Track Frame Canva
  • Lens Distortion setup
  • Moca Effect applied
  • Create mask frame
  • Match setup

Step 1. Track Frame Canva Transition point

So we're going to overlap it with one frame canva transition then we're going to concentrate on this layer right here so we want to go and track the canvas as you can see i'm using an image with an okay contrast and enough detail to track but it would be better if you have a green screen with tracking points.

So you can easily key it out later and also use the tracking points for tracking of course but we're going to be using mocha AE which is a very powerful integrated tool in Adobe After Effects to track your footage so we're going to animation and track this in mocha AE so once you have that effect applied click on the logo that will open up mocha.

Now go to a frame where you see the entire frame of the canvas then I'm going to move around using the X on the keyboard and Z to zoom in just to I see it a little bit better then go to the x-plane tool.

And we're going to click in the corners just like that right click once you're done with your track hit ctrl a and then expand these exterior kind of I don't know what it is they are but extend them.

Step 2. Lens Distortion setup

Now you can see a sharp corner once you've done that now track it forward as you can see mocha did a pretty good job but as I have a lot of blue going on here and not so much detail it did went off a little bit and also the lens distortion is going to be guilty for that.

So once it's tracked click away and click on one single point and adjust were needed so that's how you make it as perfect as possible let's go in the center here and just check everything to be as perfect as possible once you're satisfied go back to where you started the frame canva transition track and now track it backwards once that is done.

You will see that it has quite a few errors here just because it's coming so close to the frame and also the lens distortion is playing a part so readjust were needed and try to kind of imagine where the corners would be and then just check in the middle here.

And just adjust accordingly actually it doesn't need to be super perfect because everything is going to be happening quite fast once you're satisfied close mocha ae and make sure that you save this.

Step 3.  Moca Effect applied

Now we're going to right click here create a new null object and this is going to be our track now click on the layer with a MOCA effect applied to it and now go to the tracking data here we're going to create the track data make sure that you turn on the gear icon.

And then click OK go the expert options change it to transform and also layer to expert 2 will be the frame canva transition track apply the export now if we're going to click on the null it's going to be perfectly tracked to our Frame Canva Transition.

So now what we want to do is go right here to the position where this layer starts and we actually want to kick in this layer but we don't actually see the layer below it because we didn't use the mask that we just created in mocha go back to that layer.

Step 4. Create mask framep

Now we're going to open the mat options here create a íí masks then press M twice on the keyboard to reveal the mask for that layer and subtract it also feather it for seven and maybe an expansion of five just to feather it up a little bit and hide the imperfections cool.

So now we have an empty frame right here what I want to do is make sure that we have the outer Frame Canva Transition in a frozen frame right here so we're going to split this layer right here.

At the beginning of the next layer go to edit split layer right click time freeze Frame Canva Transition and extend it for the entire composition line here we want to parent this to the track know and move forward you will see that this shot isn't entirely fitting the Frame Canva Transition.

So hold shift and scale it up and there we go so now we just have one more error right here it's not as zoomed in as in the shot right here of the frame so what we want to do is actually unparent this.

Step 5. Match setup

Now  then we're going to have our scale data right here so copy the scale ctrl C click on the original footage ctrl V and now it's going to be a perfect match all you have to do is now go back to the beginning of this layer and parent it again to the track.

So now we have a perfect transition of me talking and boom and frozen in the frame and there we go all you can do now is just export this to Adobe Premiere Pro this is not something that you have to do but it will definitely make your video a lot more dynamic because currently.

We have been shooting on a tripod and that's going to make it look very static if you want to mix it up a little bit you can use our shake preset. So I'm going to be using a medium shake here and I'm going to apply that to my footage and if we're going to play this back.

We're going to see some shake in the camera which is just going to make it look a lot more organic if you do see some cutting edges right here just scale it up a little bit more and there we go and that's also going to hide the imperfections because there is a lot of movement going on that's it.


So friends, in this article I will explained to you how to make frame canva effect with the help of AE or Adobe After Effect. This is not the only effect through Adobe After Effects. You can create many effects. In your video, just depending on your mind, what type of imagining do you do.
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